Interracial Dating

So I just read an article by Jill Scott in Essence magazine about interracial dating. I pretty much knew the intent behind it before reading it, but I hoped that I was wrong and her opinion had changed from the views she has shared in the past. Nope. She's still bitter.

She said when she sees a good black man and finds out he is with a white woman it stings. She continues to say that it is a betrayal because in the days of slavery the white woman was put on a pedestal and if a black man even so much as looked at her, he was lynched, beaten or jailed. I cannot say I understand, because I don't. I didn't live that life, I didn't experience their pain and I can't even begin to imagine if it were done to my ancestors how I would feel. I would probably be hurt too.

I have spent my entire life defending myself for dating black men. Now, I have dated other races, but I always seem to gravitate towards them and vice versa. And quite frankly, I'm sick of being the enemy. I cannot answer why some people choose to date outside of their race. Nor should I have to. Things are different now. Yes, racism still exists and its sickening that in the year 2010 we are still so divided, but it doesn't all rest within the white man.....obviously.

I experience racism on a regular basis. White people who say inappropriate things to me because they assume I share their views and black women who feel like Ms. Scott and are angry with me for "stealing" their black men. I even have close friends who refer to me as their "white friend" or say I'm "cool for a white girl". Now, if I were to label them the same way, I'd be considered the racist one, right? But are they being racist? Or are we just overly sensitive nowadays because society has taught us to be so politically correct about everything? I have to ask myself this everyday because I want to teach my daughters how to do adapt to this emotionally segregated country we live in.

My oldest daughter, Dominique, has taken after me in the gene pool category and looks almost completely white. On a regular basis she is called "white girl" by her black classmates. One of them even told her that she had a "black girl booty" when she wore jeans for dress down day. Before seeing her father, they refused to believe that she was biracial and told her she was lying. I'm sure they didn't mean any harm by it and their parents are probably the same ones who would say I'm cool for a white girl, but why are we continuing to pass this attitude on to our children when people are fighting to end this mindset each and every day?

This will be a battle I know I will have to engage in for the rest of my life. I knew it before I opted to have children and I am prepared for all of the evil looks, hateful words and silly negativity that comes along with it. I just think its time we stop allowing this to be acceptable and it has to start somewhere. Yes, one person can make a difference but it will take many, many more to bring it to an end. We should embrace our differences and share our cultures with each other rather than letting them keep us apart.

I don't believe Jill Scott is a racist. I don't think anyone who chooses to stay within their own race is either. But don't let it leave you bitter or angry because it holds back your progression as person. God doesn't make mistakes, He doesn't see color, He sees us for who we are as individuals. Seems simple enough, too bad we can't all realize how easy it really can be.


  1. Interesting blog Becky. Enjoyed reading this one.

  2. Hey lady. I love it!!! First kudos for writing. Secondly, I think one should be able to date whomever they want REGARDLESS of race. I get mad when any kind of person says I ONLY date one particular race. I think that's closed minded. GO BECKY!!!!!! I'm gonna add you to my blog roll. Keep 'em coming!!!
